No need to be alone
It’s real, love, it’s real
— John Lennon


In training

I am currently in my 4th year of training in Somatic-Psychotherapy at the Institute of Core Energetics.

I am currently working with clients over ZOOM and in person.

Please contact me to set up a free consultation call.

My work

In my work with Somatic-Psychotherapy I bring my knowledge and experience from other healing modalities, my acting career and 12 step recovery work.

In my practice I focus on:

  • addiction

  • boundaries

  • inner child work

  • trauma recovery

  • creativity

  • spirituality

  • love/sex/romance

  • healing from chronic shame


Core Energetics is one of many Somatic Psychotherapeutic modalities that expand on the traditional “talk therapy” model to include the experience of the body.

Core Energetics, created by John Pierrakos M.D., focuses on the parts of our lives where we feel stuck, working with the connection between the mind and body, processing blocks and false core-beliefs that keep us from claiming the lives we want.

While incorporating techniques from traditional psychotherapy, CE utilizes breath, movement, mindfulness, body-work, transcendent experience, to process trauma towards evolving one’s sense of purpose and freedom to enjoy and embody all of who they are.

The core of mankind lies full of love and creativity, waiting to be helped to release itself.
— John Pierrakos

My Journey

The seeds of my work with Somatic Healing were planted when, as an actor, I began training with the legendary Sandra Seacat in 2005. I was introduced to Feldenkrais technique (a therapeutic body-awareness method) and hours of creative “matwork” where I first discovered the mind-body connection. I began to understand how my mind’s ideas, need for validation and inherent disconnection from my body’s reality, were not where I wanted to create my work from. Sandra taught me to allow expression to happen from a deeper place. To trust that my body knew what it was doing.

Through years of commitments to spiritual and yogic practices I further focused my attention on the realities of the body-mind. I began to experience how my ego defences and distortions were made manifest in my physical habits and structures. I experienced my resistance to my own feelings and how I shut myself off from various parts of my body and how I had retreated into living life solely from my mind.

My work as an actor evolved into teaching acting and I became more fascinated by psychology and character structure as well as the space between teacher and student. I studied how trauma and our resulting self images created “intention” and “character”. I could see that, in part, the work of an actor was freeing themself from the “character” they were habitually playing in life. This development allowed the actor the ability to step into other character-experiences.

Finding Somatic Psychotherapy and training in Core Energetics, has been a natural step in both my own healing and working with others. I’m grateful to have found a modality that includes psychology, somatics and spirituality in a working model that’s focused on evolution while learning the tools to work one-on-one in a safe and effective way.

So much pleasure, so much love, awaits us, and greets us, as we liberate ourselves from the vital lie of character. Tranquility resides only in the embrace of truth.
— Brian Gleason

For more information about my practice, please download my consent form.